Saturday, June 6, 2009

Ray of Hope Mission Team Closing Retreat

On Tuesday, June 2, we went to Masai Mara, one of the great Kenyan wilderness parks, on the Tanzania border. This was our chance to rest, reflect, and renew ourselves before going home. The highlight of our time in Masai Mara were the trips with a wilderness guide, to see the wildlife. We saw "The Big Five", including lions, leopards, elephants, rhinos, and buffalos, but so much more. It was a perfect way to regroup before heading back to the Bay Area.


June 2nd, June 3rd, and June 4th;

The emotion of the prior eight days was for the most part, overwhelming. Early on I took out my emotions on our team leaders, Pastor Karen, and Craig. My petty issues do not compare with what those living HIV in the slums Nairobi, or those who are gay in Kenya, not to mention gay and HIV+. I realize how great my life is, and that I have an obligation to work to find ways to help those I came in contact with during the past eight days.

I saw women living with the virus who are too poor to feed themselves. Many have children; some of the children are HIV+. I meet one gay man who is HIV+, and talked about the trouble he has accessing the medications needed to save his life. Food for most is the big issue, while simply accessing the medications is the “double” issues a gay person in Kenya faces if he has the virus.

The last three days have been just what the doctor ordered……rest, relaxation, and a time to reflect. Reflect on what a great life I have, reflect on what a great Pastor Glide has in Karen, and reflect in the hard work Craig did in putting this mission together, and reflect on the work ahead of us…..but mostly it was about rest and relaxation, which came in the form some trips in a Land Rover looking into the eyes of hundreds of wild animals, and speaking with a Maasi Warrior about his life. I also got a chance to spoil myself with a couple of massages. I would end this entry with a story about a monkey, except this is a church blog, not rated XXX…………what an adventure in nature!!!

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